Monday, July 18, 2011

Ashlee & Asher

I have a new love of my life and his name is Asher Blake. This past week one of my best friends, Ashlee, came to visit me and brought along her 5 month old peanut. I don't think I have met a baby with a sweeter disposition. I haven't seen Ash in about 3 years and didn't realize how much I needed some quality time with her until she got here. I lived with Ash in Stillwater OK for a couple of years and we both moved to Florida about 6 years ago to be "surfer girls". Although Ash now lives in KC with her husband and 2 beautiful children, she will always hold a special place in her heart for the beach. Our time together was filled with catching up, reminiscing, and looking forward. We ate gelato, sushi, tofu, brick-oven pizza, mahi fish tacos, coconut-macadamia grouper, chocolate covered almonds and fudge, . I think I gained about 5 pounds....all worth it! We went Stand-Up Paddleboarding, Land Paddling, walked on the beach, visited the Hillsboro Yacht Club, shopped at the local surf shops, did a TRX workout, and drove the coast.
I am not sure we could have done more, ate more, or had a better time.
Her visit will be a Sweet memory for years to come and I cannot wait for her annual trek to take place next year.